Thursday, May 26, 2011


The quote that mostly caught my attention was, "To be or not to be: that is the question: whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles". The reason why I found this soliloquy to be fascinating is because Hamlet is having suicidal thoughts so this attributes to Hamlet's refusal to commit suicide. Eventhough Hamlet does not value his life he believes that by commiting suicide it will not be a noble and courageous act. I also agree that suicide is in most cases a coward-like thing to do, due to the fact that when you commit suicide you are not only harming yourself but also causing those who care for you to suffer. I believe that it is more noble to put up with impediments because you are fighting against a cause rather than just giving up. Furthermore, Hamlet decides not to commit suicide because of the uncertainty of where his afterlife may lean towards. Overall, there will be times in life that will negatively affect us such as oppression, heartbreak, and injustice. However, at the end of the day none of these issues will remain permanant as long as one learns to overcome them.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

favorite film versions

Out of all three films my favorite was that of Franco Zeffirelli. I liked how Zeffirelli portrayed Hamlet as a very depressed and lonely character who is grieving his father's death. The setting of the film is ominous and depressing which attributes to the way Hamlet feels. The music is suspenseful and creates more of a gloomy mood. I found it interesting that in the film Gertrude is sad at the burial of Hamlet Sr. However, immediately after the funeral Gertrude is happy and exuberant which demonstrates how resilient getting over Hamlet is for her. I feel that this film is the most accurate portrayal of Hamlet.